The State of Utah distributed a portion of its Coronavirus Relief Funds
disbursement provided by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security
Federal Funding (CARES) Act to Utah’s counties and municipalities located
outside Salt Lake County and Utah County. This report details the total
amount spent on vendors by these counties, cities, and towns
Vendor names are shown as reported by each entity.
Slight variations in spelling appear as different vendors.
For example: "The Home Depot", "The Home Depot Inc", and
"Home Depot, The" could all be present in the table below
as different vendors if one entity recorded spending at a
local retail outlet differently within their accounting
software than another entity.
Governmental entities listed as vendors are recipients
of pass through CARES Act funding from another government. If
you want to know more about how a sub recipient spent their
money funds, you can examine them in the tool found
"Not Provided"
- The entity determined the vendor was required to be redacted for these transactions.
"Not Reported"
- The entity did not provide a vendor for these transactions.
If you are looking to drill down into the data further or look at
different transparency fields, then check out the detailed CARES dashboard
Quick Facts:
Table of Highest Paid Vendors
Note: If you wish to omit the "Not Applicable - Payroll Expense", "Not Provided", and "Not Reported"
vendors, you can toggle them with the below switch.
The top 100 highest paid vendors are on the first page, but you can view all vendors by clicking the subsequent pages.
You can perform a partial search on a vendor by typing a vendor's name in the "Search:" box at the top right of the table.
Include "Not Applicable - Payroll Expense" , "Not Provided" , and "Not Reported"
Include local government entities listed as vendors
Bar Plot of Top 100 Highest Paid Vendors
Note: In order to preserve relative percentage of net amount for
all other vendors not in the top 100, we have labeled that group's
net amount with the vendor name "All Other Vendors+". If you do not wish to include them in the barplot,
you can toggle them with the switch below.
Hover your mouse over any bar to get the exact net amount, or refer to the above table.
Include catch all for all entities > 100th called "All Other Vendors +"